Collection: Kakapo Collection: A Tribute to Sirrocco's Enchanting Journey

Explore the Kakapo Collection from Gilded Kea Jewellery – a heartfelt tribute to New Zealand's native parrot, the Kakapo, and the charismatic Sirrocco who charmed hearts worldwide. Picture the vibrant hues and quirky personality of the Kakapo reflected in each meticulously crafted piece. Inspired by Sirrocco's unique journey and global fame as a conservation ambassador, this collection celebrates the resilience and charm of these endangered birds. Much like Sirrocco's impact, our Kakapo Collection symbolizes hope and admiration. Adorn yourself with pieces echoing the vibrancy and uniqueness of the Kakapo, contributing to the preservation of our natural treasures. Embark on a journey with Gilded Kea Jewellery's Kakapo Collection – where each piece narrates a story of conservation, connection, and Kiwi spirit.

Kakapo Collection: A Tribute to Sirrocco's Enchanting Journey